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About Us

About Us.......The Truth


My Story


How did Grace & Blake Naturals come to Be? My story. Well I wouldn't quite call it that, I would say it was more like a curiosity and a love affair.

 You see most natural soap companies or even skincare companies have stories that read something like this: someone somewhere has or knows someone close to them that has sensitive skin or some type of sensitivity that prompted them to create their own skincare products because of a lack thereof in the market. Not so with my company. I may brag that I have very clear and beautiful skin. I can also say that I can pretty much tolerate almost anything that is on the market: natural, chemical laden or somewhere in between but I choose the former to bathe my skin with.

 My story started with the NYC Public Library. Yes the library! I love the library!! All those free books and knowledge, what's not to love. Anyway, one day in 2003 or 2004 I was sitting on the floor of the library in queens, you know, like when you're in Barnes and Noble sitting on the floor drooling over books that you couldn't afford. Well that was me. I came across a book on soap making while looking for another book on the shelf. The book I mistook was "Handcrafted Soap Making" by Melinda Coss.

The cover of the book drew me in. The soaps were so luscious, sensual and inviting. I didn't even know that a regular person could make soap. And make soap like that. I was hooked. So I checked the book out and any other books I could find on soap making. I couldn't wait to make soap and take my first bath with it. Yay!!

I made soap after luscious soap. I was a soap machine. The soaps were beautiful, simple and felt good. I gave them away, they wanted more. I sold them, but my heart wasn't in selling full-time as I had a very demanding full-time job protecting NYC at night while trying to make soap by day. It was hard and still is. I'm not where I want to be but I love making the's therapy and it's helped a lot of people feel better in their own skins. Nowadays natural or organic is a must. I'm glad I stumbled across Melinda's book, it was on the cusp of a good thing for all of us.   

Well that is it,  that is all. No big TaDa just the truth like our products.  Since 2004 I've been making soaps for family and friends and hopefully one day for you. It has evolved from soap to skincare.  The rest is herstory.



